1914 King George V
Typographed Issues
Watermark 43 - Large Crown over Large letter "A"
Designers: H. Altmann & R.A. Harrison - Engraver: T.S. Harrison - Printer: J.B. Cooke
The 1d Red (2-4-1) was a single line perforation where the, (2-4-2)
was a comb perforation, the stamp below was reprinted in 1915, 1916,
1917, 1918 & 1920, with a range of reddish colours, the two stamps below (2-4-1 & 2-4-2) were both produced from Die 1. Two other
stamps were prepared, but never issued during 1914, these were the King
George 2d Purple/Black & the 1/- Swan Sepia, copies of both exist.
Date of issue as listed in brackets, followed by the perforation.
2-4-1 1d Red, (17 July), perforation 14.2;
2-4-2 1d Red, (7 August), perforation 14.25 x 14