Australian Online Stamp Catalogue
Proudly Sponsored by Michael Dodd of CDD Stamps
1967 Issues
Postcodes were introduced by the Australian Post Office on 1 July, 1967 as an aide to distribution, see July (below) for details, also the initials NPB below stands for the Note Printing Branch

150th Anniversary of the British & Foreign Bible Society
Designer: Lance Sterling - Printer: NPB
This design shows a pair of hands holding a Bible, the release commemorates 150 years of the Bible Society, both in British lands & abroad.
Issued 7 March with perforation 13½ x 13¼

209-1-1 4c Multi-coloured Bible

150th Anniversary of Banking in Australia
Designer: Gordon Andrews - Printer: NPB
This design shows a combination lock & keys.
Issued 5 April with perforation 13¼ x 13½

210-1-1 4c Green/Blue/Black Combination Lock & Keys

Native Birds
Decimal Definitives Defence Force Booklet
Issue 2, Part 2

Designers: Betty Temple-Watts - Engraver: NPB - Printer: NPB
The 1966 Decimal definitive release has been broken up into 4 Issues, with Issue 1 having 5 parts & Issue 2 having 2 Parts & Issues 3 & 4 having one part each, Issue 1, Part 1, February, 1966; Issue 1 Part 2, September, 1967 (below); Issue 1, Part 3, September, 1970; Issue 1, Part 4, October, 1971; Issue 2, Part 1, February, 1966; Issue 2, Part 2, Mid, 1967 (four listings down); Issue 3, 14 February, 1966 & Issue 4, 14 February, 1966. This issue was prepared for the Department of the Army for use by Australian Forces in Vietnam, the folded booklet contained 10 x 5c Yellow-tailed Thornbill attached to the inside by the selvedge, with the words "AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCES" & "TEN 5c STAMPS" in black & "Postage Stamps" in bright green on the outside of the cover, this stamp was replaced by the 5c Blue Queen Elizabeth in September, 1967 (four listings down), since these stamps were the normal issue there is no way to tell the ones posted from overseas to the ones posted here (unless they are still on the envelope, with a return address).  With the booklets beware of forgeries as they do exist.
Issued Mid 1967 with perforation 13¼ x 13½

188-1-2a BK 50c Defence Force Booklet Cover;
188-1-2 5c Yellow-tailed Thornbill (stamp originally issued 14 February, 1966)

50th Anniversary of Lions International
Designer: Max Ripper - Printer: NPB
This design shows the Lions Clubs Emblem below the Southern Cross.
Issued 7 June with perforation 13½ x 13¼

211-1-1 4c Blue/Gold/Black Lions Clubs Emblem

Postcodes were introduced by the Australian Post Office on 1 July, 1967 as an aide to distribution, the first number identified the State (where the item was posted), i.e. 2 = New South Wales & the Australian Capital Territory; 3 = Victoria; 4 = Queensland; 5 = South Australia & Northern Territory; 6 = Western Australia; 7 = Tasmania, the remainder of the figures in the number identified the originating town and/or Post Office, see 1 June, 1988 for further changes or upgrades to the postcode system.

Centenary of the (YWCA)
Young Women's Christian Association

Designer: Harry Williamson - Printer: NPB
This design shows the Young Women's Christian Association emblem.
Issued 21 August with perforation 13¼ x 13½

212-1-1 4c Pale Blue/Mid Blue/Dark Blue/Magenta YWCA Emblem

5th World Conference of Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Designer: Robert Ingpen - Printer: NPB
This issue was released to mark the 5th World Conference held at Sydney University between 23 to 30 September, the central design is biological symbol for a female, with the same symbol in white, indicating the desire of medical science for good health to triumph over bad, with the areas of gynaecology shown in the figure on the left & obstetrics shown on the figure of the right.
Issued 20 September with perforation 13¼ x 13½

213-1-1 4c Light Red-violet/Blue/Indigo/Black Female Symbol

Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Issue 1, Part 2

Designers: NPB - Engraver: NPB - Printer: NPB
The 1966 Decimal definitive release has been broken up into 4 Issues, with Issue 1 having 5 parts & Issue 2 having 2 Parts & Issues 3 & 4 having one part each, Issue 1, Part 1, February, 1966; Issue 1 Part 2, September, 1967 (below); Issue 1, Part 3, September, 1970; Issue 1, Part 4, October, 1971; Issue 2, Part 1, February, 1966; Issue 2, Part 2, Mid, 1967 (four listings up), Issue 3, 14 February, 1966 & Issue 4, 14 February, 1966.
Issued 29 September with perforation as below (in brackets)

187-5-1 5c Blue, (perforation 14¾ x 14);
187-5-2 5c Blue Booklet Stamp, (perforation 14¾ x 14/Imperforate);
187-5-3 5c Coil Queen Elizabeth, (perforation 14¾ x Imperforate)

187-5-2 BK2 $1 Booklet containing 20 x 5c Blue Stamps

Queen Elizabeth Definitive Overprint
Designer: NPB - Engraver: NPB - Printer: NPB
This release was necessitated by a shortage in the 5c stamps, so the 1966 4c Red was overprinted 5c in black, to cover the shortage due to the rise in postage, a 50c & a $1 booklet were also issued, six different tabs were supplied in the booklets along with advertising for the Commonwealth Bank (all shown below), two full sheetlets of 5 x 5c stamps are also shown, I have been told, sheet stamps were also overprinted, but I have yet to see one.
Issued 29 September with perforation as below

214-1-1 5c Overprint on 4c Red, perforation 14¾ x 14;
214-1-2 5c Overprint on 4c Red, Booklet Stamp, 14¾ x 14/Imperforate

214-1-2 BK $1 Booklet containing 20 x 5c overprinted stamps;
214-1-2 BK1 50c Booklet containing 10 x 5c overprinted stamps

Above are two of the full sheetlets supplied in the booklets
The advertising panel (from the Cover) is shown above, along with the first two advertising tabs

The remaining four advertising tabs are shown above
Christmas 1967
Designer: Max Ripper 5c; Erica McGilchrist 25c - Printer: NPB
These two stamps are totally different concepts, the 5c features Gothic Arches with the (Blandfordia) Australian Christmas Bells as the central feature; while the 25c incorporates three religious symbols (the Cross, the Star of David & the Chinese Yin & Yang) into a geometrical design.
Issued as shown below (in brackets), followed by

215-1-1 5c Yellow/Red/Blue/Black Arches & Christmas Bells, (18 October) perforation 13¼ x 13½;
216-1-1 25c Yellow/Red/Purple/Black Mixed Design, (27 November) perforation 13½ x 13¼