1953 Issues
Surface Transmission Rates
Australia, and countries to which the British Empire rates apply 3½d first oz., 2½d each additional oz.
Other countries 7½d first oz., 4½d each additional oz.
Airmail Rates
In Australia and to Papua-New Guinea, Nauru and Norfolk Islands 3d per ½ oz. in addition to ordinary postage.
To New Zealand 8d each ½ oz.
To India, Ceylon, Hawaii and Hong Kong 1/3d each ½ oz.
To Pacific Islands, Malaya and Indonesia 1/- each ½ oz.
To Central America and West Indies 2/6d each ½ oz.
To South America 3/- each ½ oz.
To United Kingdom, U.S.A. Canada, Europe, Africa and most of Asia 2/- each ½ oz.
Produce Food!
Without Watermark
End Designer: G. Lissenden - Engraved: line process method - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
There were three stamps in this issue, with two different values & colours, 3 x 3d Green (Beef, Butter & Wheat) & 3 x 3½d Red (Beef, Butter & Wheat), they were made available in joined strips of three & blocks of nine in each colour, the first (Beef), shows a small herd of cattle; the second (Butter), shows some dairy cows about to be milked; the third (Wheat) shows a field being ploughed for cultivation. The Red set below replaces the 3½d King George VI stamp, first issued on the 28th November, 1951.
These stamps were issued in booklet form on the 8th July, 1953.
Issued 11 February with perforation 14½ x 14¾
81-1-1 3d Green Beef;
82-1-1 3d Green Butter;
83-1-1 3d Green Wheat;
81-1-1_83-1-1 SS Se-tenant Strip of 3 Green
81-2-1 3½d Red Beef;
82-2-1 3½d Red Butter;
83-2-1 3½d Red Wheat;
81-2-1_83-2-1 SS Se-tenant Strip of 3 Red
First Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Part 1, Issue 1
Watermark 47 (C of A)
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This series was issued during 1953, 1954 & 1956, with Part 1, Issue 1, April 1953 (below); Part 1, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 1, during, 1953 (two listings below); Part 2, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 3, during, 1956, all stamps show a sideface view of Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, this stamp the 3½d Red below was also issued in a 3/6d Booklet of 12 stamps.
Issued 21 April with perforation 14¾ x 14
85-1-1 3½d Red Queen Elizabeth
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Without Watermark
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
There were three stamps in this issue, in three different values, with a bust of Queen Elizabeth II wearing the coronation crown, 3½d Red, 7½d Purple & 2/- Blue/Green.
Issued 25 May with perforation 14¾ x 14
84-1-1 3½d Red Queen Elizabeth;
84-2-1 7½d Purple Queen Elizabeth;
84-3-1 2/- Blue/Green Queen Elizabeth
In August, 1953, the first Stamp Bulletin was issued, it was called the Philatelic Bulletin No. 1.
First Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Part 2, Issue 1
Without Watermark
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This series was issued during 1953, 1954 & 1956, with Part 1, Issue 1, April 1953 (two listings up); Part 1, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 1, during, 1953 (below); Part 2, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 3, during, 1956, all stamps show a sideface view of Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II. The stamps below are listed in value order. The stamp bulletin listed the 1d stamp as Violet in colour. The stamps being replaced by this issue are the 1d portraying Her Majesty as the Princess Elizabeth (first issued on the 20th November, 1947) and the 3d portraying King George VI (first issued on the 14th November, 1951).
Issued as below (in brackets), with perforation 14¾ x 14
85-3-1 1d Purple Queen Elizabeth (19 August);
85-5-1 3d Green Queen Elizabeth (17 June)
25th Anniversary of Australian Young Farmers' Clubs
Without Watermark
Designers: Post Office artists with adaptation by P.E. Morris - Engraved: E.R.M. Jones - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
The design shows two young Australian "Farmers" with a calf, Young Farmers Clubs 1928 - 1953, this stamp marks the 25th anniversary of the official establishment of Young Farmers' Clubs in Australia, clubs of this kind, and those variously named, were in existence considerably more than 25 years ago, but they were not organised on a State basis until 1928. The first state organisation (in N.S.W.) was established on the 23rd July, 1928, and in other State shortly afterwards, in 1952 the several State bodies became associated in an Australian Council of Young Farmers, this was Australia's first bi-coloured commemorative stamp.
Issued 3 September with perforation 14¾ x 14½
86-1-1 3½d bi-coloured Young Farmers Clubs
A distinctive postmark was applied to all letters posted at the temporary post office established at the Philatelic Exhibition, Town Hall, Brighton, Victoria, on the 3rd, 4th and 5th September, 1953.
Two boxed postmarkers were specially made, measuring 30mm x 30mm, reading:-
3 SEPT 53
The opening date of the exhibition coincided with the first day of issue of the 3½d Young Farmers' Clubs commemorative stamp.
The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Victoria, (Mr. N. W. Strange) officially opened the exhibition on the evening of the 3rd September.
150th Anniversary of Settlement in Tasmania
Without Watermark
Designers: 3
d E.R.M. Jones; 2/- G. Lissenden - Engraved: 3½d Donald Cameron; 2/- G. Lissenden - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
There were three stamps in this issue, two 3½d, the first, Governor-General David Collins (1756-1810), he was the first Governor-General of Tasmania (1803-1810); the second Governor-General William Paterson (1755-1810) he was Governor-General of Port Dalrymple (1804-1809); the third a 2/- value, this design is based on a print held by the Mitchell Library, Sydney, the three master vessel depicted in the print was most probably the H.M.T. "Ocean", which was anchored at Port Sullivan for two months during 1804.
Issued 23 September with perforation 14¾ x 14
87-1-1 3½d Brown, Lieutenant-Governor D. Collins;
88-1-1 3½d Brown, Lieutenant-Governor W. Paterson;
87-1-1_88-1-1 SS Se-tenant Pair;
89-1-1 2/- Green, Sullivan Cove, Tasmania 1804
This notation is taken from Philatelic Bulletin No. 1
Postmaster-General, in referring recently to the two 3½d stamps which
will comprise part of the series to be issued in September, 1953, to
commemorate the Seoquicentenary of Tasmania, said that the stamps will
be issued as a pair within the same sheet.
However, this decision is
not intended in any way as a gesture to philatelists. The practice was
instituted with previous issues specifically to facilitate production.
When two stamps are to be printed together the necessary plates can be
made and the stamps produced much more quickly than would be the case if
they were treated separately.
This factor is of considerable importance
in view of the heavy commitments of the Commonwealth Note Printing
Branch, where Australian stamps are printed.
In October, 1953, the second Stamp Bulletin was issued, again it was called the Philatelic Bulletin, but numbered No. 2.
Centenary of First Tasmanian Postage Stamp
Without Watermark
Designer: Richard L. Beck - Engraved: G. Lissenden - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This stamp bears the name "Van Dieman's Land" the name Tasmania was first known as, this is a reproduction of the first Tasmanian or Van Dieman's Land stamp issued in 1853, portraying a young Queen Victoria, this stamp commemorates the centenary of the issue of the first Tasmanian stamps. These, issued in November, 1853, comprised 1d. and 4d. denominations and were inscribed "VAN DIEMEN'S LAND". The new stamp design will incorporate a reproduction of the first 4d. stamp, which portrayed Queen Victoria but with a 3d value.
This stamp was listed in the stamp bulletin as vieux-rose in color.
Issued 11 November with perforation 14½ x 14¾
90-1-1 3d Red 1853 stamp reproduction
In December, 1953, the third Stamp Bulletin was issued, again it was called the Philatelic Bulletin, but numbered No. 3.