1956 Issues
King George VI Definitive Issue Listings
The first King George VI definitive issue is huge, we have the standard issue in 2 Parts with 4 issues (1937-41), then the Zoological issue in 3 Parts with 8 Issues (1937-56) followed by the Robes Design issue in 3 Issues(1938-49), then the King George VI Surcharges in 1 Issue (1941), followed by the additional King George VI Definitives in 5 Issues (1942-49), then the Additional Zoological release in 3 Issues (1948-56), I have separated all of these for convenience, numbering them by part &/or issue, then adding links to each section where they appear, this list is printed at the start of each year where they exist.
The Standard Issues, Part 1, Issue 1, 1937; Part 1, Issue 2, 1938; Part 2, Issue 1, 1940 & Part 2, Issue 2, 1941. The Zoological Issue, Part 1, Issue 1, 1937; Part 1, Issue 2, 1938; Part 2, Issue 1, 1941; Part 2, Issue 2, 1942; Part 2, Issue 3, 1943; Part 2, Issue 4, 1945; Part 3, Issue 1, 1949; Part 3, Issue 2, 1956. The Robes Design Issues, Issue 1, 1938; Issue 2, 1948; Issue 3, 1949. The Surcharges, 1941. The Additional Definitive Issues, Part 1, Issue 1, 1942; Part 1, Issue 2, 1943; Part 1, Issue 3, 1944; Part 2, Issue 1, 1948; Part 2, Issue 2, 1949. The Additional Zoological Issues, Issue 1, 1948; Issue 2, 1956.
First Queen Elizabeth II Definitive Issues
Part 2, Issue 3
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This series was issued during 1953, 1954 & 1956, with Part 1, Issue 1, April 1953; Part 1, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 1, during, 1953; Part 2, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 3, during, 1956 (below), all stamps show a sideface view of the Queen, the 3½d Red below was also issued in a 4/2 Booklet of 12 stamps.
Issued as below (in brackets), with perforation 14¾ x 14
85-1-2 3½d Red Queen Elizabeth, (3 July);
85-2-2 6½d Orange Queen Elizabeth, (September)
King George VI New Low Value Definitives
Part 3, Issue 3
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This release shows pose by Queen Elizabeth. There were 5 Issues of 11 Parts to this release; Part 1, Issue 1, 1950; Part 1 Issue 2, 1951; Part 1, Issue 3, 1952; Part 2, 1952; Part 3, Issue 1, 1950; Part 3, Issue 2, 1951; Part 3, Issue 3, 1956 (below); Part 3, Issue 4, 1959; Part 4, 1957; Part 5, 1964; Part 6, 1965. Although printed green in colour the flowers at the side of this stamp are red flowering Eucalypts.
Issued May with perforation 14¾ x 14
71-2-2 1½d Bright Green Elizabeth
King George VI Definitives
Additional Zoological
Part 2
Designer: G. Sellheim - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This issue are the Additional Zoological issues a further part of King George VI Definitive Issues, the issue was released in 2 Parts, Part 1, 1948, & Part 2, 1956 (below), the carving is of a crocodile, the value is shown as 2s or 2/- both are correct, and stand for the same value.
Issued 21 July with perforation 14½ x 14¾
54-1-2 2/- or 2s Brown Aboriginal Carving
King George VI Definitive Issues
Zoological Series
Part 3, Issue 2
No Watermark
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engravers: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This issue is of birds & animals is in 3 Parts with 8 Issues, Part 1, Issue 1, 1937; Part 1, Issue 2, 1938; Part 2, Issue 1, 1941; Part 2, Issue 2, 1942; Part 2, Issue 3, 1943; Part 2, Issue 4, 1945; Part 3, Issue 1, 1949; Part 3, Issue 2, 1956 (below).
Issued as below (in brackets) all with perforation 14¾ x 14
26-1-3 4d Green Koala, (18 Aug);
28-1-3 6d Brown Kookaburra, (18 Aug);
29-1-3 9d Grey Platypus, (13 Dec);
30-1-3 1/- Green Lyre Bird, (Dec)
Centenary of Responsible Government in New South Wales, Victoria & Tasmania
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W. C. G. McCracken
Design shows the badges of the three states, plus the sideface views of both Queen Victoria & Queen Elizabeth II, a stamp for Responsible Government was issued by error in 1951 (see 79-1-1).
Issued 26 September with perforation 14¼ x 14
107-1-1 3½d Red State Badges, Queen Victoria & Queen Elizabeth
XVI Olympic Games, Melbourne
November 22 to December 8
Designers: P.E. Morris 4d; Frank D. Manley 7½d - Engraver: Frank D. Manley 4d & 7½d - Printers: W.C.G. McCracken 4d & 7½d; Harrisons & Sons 1/-; Courvoisier 2/-.
The first two stamps (4d & 7½d) were printed in Melbourne, the third (1/-) & fourth (2/-) were based on a photographs by M. Murphy and were printed in London & Switzerland (respectfully), the trees in the 1/- (Collins Street) are Ash, & on the 2/- (banks of the Yarra River) are Oaks on the left & Elms on the right, the 7½d was also reproduced for the March, 1999 Olympic Games issue.
Issued 31 October with perforation as below
108-1-1 4d Red Melbourne Coat of Arms & Olympic Rings, Perforation: 14¼ x 14¾;
109-1-1 7½d Blue Olympic Torch & Olympic Rings, Perforation: 14 x 14¼;
110-1-1 1s or 1/- Collins Street Multi-colour, Perforation: 14 x 14½;
111-1-1 2s or 2/- Banks of the Yarra River, Perforation: 11¾ x 11½
In 1957, a Melbourne firm produced (by permission) 50,000 miniature sheets, with the four above stamps (in reduced size) in a miniature sheet, with for all intents & purposes an Olympic Postmark, this issue has no postal validity, so is a Cinderella (see 108-1-1_111-1-1C, 1957) for the image.
Issue 2
Designer: F. D. Manley - Engraver: F. D. Manley - Printer: W. C. G. McCracken
This stamp shows Hermes, Greek god of speed in front of a globe of the world, there were two issues of this stamp, Issue 1, September, 1949, perforation 14½ x 14¾, with the C of A watermark & Issue 2, December, 1956 (below), perforation 14½, without a watermark.
Issued 6 December with perforation 14½
61-1-2 1/6 Black Hermes