Australian Online Stamp Catalogue
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1956 Issues

King George VI Definitive Issue Listings
The first King George VI definitive issue is huge, we have the standard issue in 2 Parts with 4 issues (1937-41), then the Zoological issue in 3 Parts with 8 Issues (1937-56) followed by the Robes Design issue in 3 Issues(1938-49), then the King George VI Surcharges in 1 Issue (1941), followed by the additional King George VI Definitives in 5 Issues (1942-49), then the Additional Zoological release in 3 Issues (1948-56), I have separated all of these for convenience, numbering them by part &/or issue, then adding links to each section where they appear, this list is printed at the start of each year where they exist.  

First Queen Elizabeth II Definitive Issues
Part 2, Issue 3

Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This series was issued during 1953, 1954 & 1956, with Part 1, Issue 1, April 1953; Part 1, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 1, during, 1953; Part 2, Issue 2, June 1954; Part 2, Issue 3, during, 1956 (below), all stamps show a sideface view of the Queen, the 3½d Red below was also issued in a 4/2 Booklet of 12 stamps.
Issued as below (in brackets), with perforation 14¾ x 14

85-1-2 3½d Red Queen Elizabeth, (3 July);
85-2-2 6½d Orange Queen Elizabeth, (September)

King George VI New Low Value Definitives
Part 3, Issue 3

Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This release shows pose by Queen Elizabeth.  There were 5 Issues of 11 Parts to this release; Part 1, Issue 1, 1950; Part 1 Issue 2, 1951; Part 1, Issue 3, 1952; Part 2, 1952; Part 3, Issue 1, 1950; Part 3, Issue 2, 1951; Part 3, Issue 3, 1956 (below); Part 3, Issue 4, 1959; Part 4, 1957; Part 5, 1964; Part 6, 1965.
  Although printed green in colour the flowers at the side of this stamp are red flowering Eucalypts.
Issued May with perforation 14¾ x 14

71-2-2 1½d Bright Green Elizabeth

King George VI Definitives
Additional Zoological
Part 2

Designer: G. Sellheim - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This issue are the Additional Zoological issues a further part of King George VI Definitive Issues, the issue was released in 2 Parts, Part 1, 1948, & Part 2, 1956 (below), the carving is of a crocodile, the value is shown as 2s or 2/- both are correct, and stand for the same value.
Issued 21 July with perforation 14½ x 14¾

54-1-2 2/- or 2s Brown Aboriginal Carving

King George VI Definitive Issues
Zoological Series
Part 3, Issue 2

No Watermark
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engravers: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This issue is of birds & animals is in 3 Parts with 8 Issues, Part 1, Issue 1, 1937; Part 1, Issue 2, 1938; Part 2, Issue 1, 1941; Part 2, Issue 2, 1942; Part 2, Issue 3, 1943; Part 2, Issue 4, 1945; Part 3, Issue 1, 1949; Part 3, Issue 2, 1956 (below).
Issued as below (in brackets) all with perforation 14¾ x 14

26-1-3 4d Green Koala, (18 Aug);
28-1-3 6d Brown Kookaburra, (18 Aug);
29-1-3 9d Grey Platypus, (13 Dec);
30-1-3 1/- Green Lyre Bird, (Dec)

Centenary of Responsible Government in New South Wales, Victoria & Tasmania
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W. C. G. McCracken
Design shows the badges of the three states, plus the sideface views of both Queen Victoria & Queen Elizabeth II, a stamp for Responsible Government was issued by error in 1951 (see 79-1-1).
Issued 26 September with perforation 14¼ x 14

107-1-1 3½d Red State Badges, Queen Victoria & Queen Elizabeth

XVI Olympic Games, Melbourne
November 22 to December 8

Designers: P.E. Morris 4d; Frank D. Manley 7½d - Engraver: Frank D. Manley 4d & 7½d - Printers: W.C.G. McCracken 4d & 7½d; Harrisons & Sons 1/-; Courvoisier 2/-.
The first two stamps (4d & 7½d) were printed in Melbourne, the third (1/-) & fourth (2/-) were based on a photographs by M. Murphy and were printed in London & Switzerland (respectfully), the trees in the 1/- (Collins Street) are Ash, & on the 2/- (banks of the Yarra River) are Oaks on the left & Elms on the right, the 7½d was also reproduced for the March, 1999 Olympic Games issue.
Issued 31 October with perforation as below

108-1-1 4d Red Melbourne Coat of Arms & Olympic Rings, Perforation: 14¼ x 14¾;
109-1-1 7½d Blue Olympic Torch & Olympic Rings, Perforation: 14 x 14¼;
110-1-1 1s or 1/- Collins Street Multi-colour, Perforation: 14 x 14½;
111-1-1 2s or 2/- Banks of the Yarra River, Perforation: 11¾ x 11½

In 1957, a Melbourne firm produced (by permission) 50,000 miniature sheets, with the four above stamps (in reduced size) in a miniature sheet, with for all intents & purposes an Olympic Postmark, this issue has no postal validity, so is a Cinderella (see 108-1-1_111-1-1C, 1957) for the image.

Issue 2

Designer: F. D. Manley - Engraver: F. D. Manley - Printer: W. C. G. McCracken
This stamp shows Hermes, Greek god of speed in front of a globe of the world, there were two issues of this stamp, Issue 1, September, 1949, perforation 14½ x 14¾, with the C of A watermark & Issue 2, December, 1956 (below), perforation 14½, without a watermark.
Issued 6 December with perforation 14½

61-1-2 1/6 Black Hermes