Australian Online Stamp Catalogue
Proudly Sponsored by Michael Dodd of CDD Stamps
Unusual Stamps

These images were supplied by Michael Hide
O1 - 1d Reddish-violet;        O2 - 2d Deep-green;             O3 - 3d Orange-vermillion

O4 - 4d Deep Blue;               O5 - 5d Light-brown;            O6 - 6d Orange-yellow

O7 - 1/- Indigo

On March 5, 1940, the Government Printer of Western Australia completed an order for a set of seven adhesive
stamps inscribed EGG STABILISATION CHARGE. The stamps were printed on gummed paper, without watermark,
in sheets of 48, twelve rows of four. They were colourlessly rouletted 10.

On the following day, 9,600 stamps of each denomination were issued. The signature in the Printer's Issue Book
has an entry: "Sig. back of book", but the back of the book had been torn off.

On December 2, 1942, a further 2,400 stamps of each denomination were issued, this time they were signed for by
an A. Blake.

During the early years of the War, the distribution and marketing of eggs was controlled by the Commonwealth

The control was handed over to the State Government in 1942, but Mr K.G. Baron-Hay, who was in charge of the
operation at that time, can not recall the use of any stamps.

Mr Carl Rodgers, MBE, JP, of Armidale, who was a poultry farmer for many years, has no recollection of any
stamps being used, although there is evidence of such use, examples having been found with a rubber-stamped
obliteration, in red, reading:

 "...less Egg
" in two lines


 "... on Fund" in one line

Mr Hubbard, a former Secretary, Egg Marketing Board of Western Australia remembers a Mr Blake who, together
with Mr Mayo, worked for the controller of Egg Supplies, Sydney, N.S.W., during the War.

An approach for information on this matter to the New South Wales' Egg Corporation, produced no clarification. 
It may be assumed that the stamps may have had an Australia-wide application and that their usage was more
prolific in the other States.

This First Day Cover Scan has been supplied by an enthusiast, it is signed by Tony Rafty the Artist,
with an inscription to (I think) Robin & Heather, on the day of release, special thanks to Heather for
supplying this piece of history.

This scan comes from my own collection of receipts

dated 8th July, 1957, receipt no. 508, this receipt comes from my own company, a 3 penny Stamp Duty is attached, the value is listed as Six Hundred and Thirty Five Pounds, One Shilling and Six Pence, in today's dollars that would be about twelve hundred and
seventy dollars, although I am sure the goods paid for would now be worth many thousands of dollars, this receipt to me as part of my life is priceless.
This scan was supplied by a Facebook friend, Maxwell from Tasmania and is signed across the centre by the designer.
It is not a really great image, but is also not the worst I have included in the cattle dog, but then it is a photo, and I am unable to get a better scan as he is no longer on Facebook or a member of my online site.