Australian Online Stamp Catalogue
Proudly Sponsored by Michael Dodd of CDD Stamps
This section has been broken up into a number of pages, Kangaroos, King George V, Pre-Decimal, Decimal, State Government & Private Issues, then each section has been broken down again into years or issues, links are supplied here on this page to each section (year) as well as on the drop down menu above.
A few details first. Except from the Commonwealth of Australia - Philatelic Bulletin 004, pages 6 and 7, dated February 1954.

In anticipation of the proclamation which was to bring into force on 1st November, 1902, the Post and Telegrams Rate Act, 1901, the Prime Minister advised all Commonwealth Ministers on 21st October, 1902, to issue  instructions to the responsible officers of their respective Departments that they should make immediate requisition on the Deputy Postmasters-General in their several States for supplies of stamps, perforated with the "OS" indicator, for the use of Commonwealth Departments.
The Deputy Postmasters-General in the six States were advised by the Secretary of the Department to take action to ensure that such stamps were provided.
However, due to the fact that in some States to Government Printers did not possess suitable perforating machines, while in others modifications of existing machines were necessary, it was not possible to supply punctured "OS" stamps to Commonwealth Departments immediately; in fact, in the smaller States such stamps were not made available until 1905.
The position in each State was as follows:-
New South Wales:   Arrangements were made quickly for stamps to be punctured "OS" for the use of Commonwealth Departments and "OS / N.S.W." for the use of State Departments, Sydney, the work being carried out by the Sate Government Printer.  The Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney, advised the Secretary of the Department on 27th October, 1902, that the first punctured "OS" stamps would be ready in about a fortnight from the date, and they were in use in Commonwealth Departments early in November, 1902.
Victoria:  There was very little delay in this State as the Deputy Postmaster-General, Melbourne, advised on 29th December, 19002, that the State Government Printer had arranged "for the perforation of 'OS' stamps for the use of Commonwealth and State Departments and they are now being supplied".
Queensland:  Representations were made by the State Government in November, 1902, that stamps of this State should be overprinted "OS" instead of being punctured with these initials as the Government Printer did not possess a suitable machine.  However, the Postmaster-General's Department was unable to sanction this procedure, holding it to be contrary to the Post and Telegram Act, 1901.  Eventually, arrangements were made for the Government Printer to have the necessary dies, etc., made in Sydney and, after considerable delay, punctured "OS" stamps were first taken into stock at Brisbane on 7th August, 1905.  These stamps were for the use of Commonwealth Departments only but, following a request by the State Department, authority was given on 11th April, 1906, for them to be made available also for the use of State Departments.
South Australia:  At the time of Federation the stamps used by State Departments were distinguished by the overprint, "OS" and the State Government asked, in October, 1902, that this practice be continued.  However, for the same reason as that given in respect of Queensland, the Postmaster-General's Department was unablee to agree to a continuance of overprinted "OS" stamps.  The Deputy Postmaster-General, Adelaide, advised the Secretary of the Department on 4th November, 1902, that the printing of "OS" on postage stamps was being discontinued.
Owing to delay in securing a suitable perforating machine it was not possible to commence puncturing the initials in stamps until about April, 1905.  The die first used was capable of puncturing twelve stamps at the one operation but was only suitable for the small-sized stamps.  A separate die was later brought into use for the "long" stamps.
A year later, stamps perforated "SA" had been introduced for the use of State Government departments, the work being done by the State Government Printer, but from 1905 onwards the "OS" punctured stamps were used by both Commonwealth and State Departments.  This "OS" puncture was applied in the Stamp Printing Branch of the Postmaster-General's Department, Adelaide.
Punctured "OS" stamps were nopt supplied for the use of Commonwealth Departments at Darwin until October, 1906.
Tasmania:  In October, 1902, the State Government sought permission to have stamps overprinted "TS" but, as in the cases of Queensland and South Australia, permission for overprinting was not granted.  Authority was given, however, in the same month for the stamps top be punctured "TS" but the State authorities subsequently decided to use the initial "T" only and such punctured stamps were brought into use about the beginning of 1903.  At this time Commonwealth Departments were using ordinary stamps and continued to do so until punctured "OS" stamps were supplied in 1905 by the Government Printer, Melbourne.
Western Australia:  The State Government asked on 5th September, 1902, that stamps be overprinted "WA" for the use of State Governments but the Postmaster-General's Department could not agree to this proposal.  Subsequently, in June, 1903, the State was informed that there was no objection to stamps being punctured "WA" and such stamps were introduced shortly afterwards, the perforating being done in Melbourne, where Western Australian stamps were printed.  Punctured "OS" stamps were not made available for the use of Commonwealth Departments until 1905 and at that stage they were also adopted by the State authorities, the "WA" punctures being discontinued.
Commonwealth Government Kangaroo Officials
The Kangaroo Officials release were spread over 21 years, the listings below only reflect the first release or use of each stamp, but they could have been used at any time during that period, each year below is a link to the sectionWes where the stamps are listed.

1913 - 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - 1919 - 1923 - 1924 - 1929 - 1932 - 1934

Commonwealth Government King George V Officials
The King George V Officials release were spread over 18 years, the listings below again only reflect the first release or use of each stamp, but they also could have been used at any time during that period, each year below is a link to the section where the stamps are listed

1914 - 1915 - 1916 - 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1926 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932

Pre-Decimal Officials
The link below takes you to the page where an explanation for each and a direct link to the stamps is listed the stamps were released with the normal issues, so are listed with them in the main catalogue.

State Government & Private Perfins
These listings cover many years and all State Government Departments as well as private corporations and Semi-Government Departments, with the Victoria State Government using Officials at least up until 1986, the Kangaroo & King George V Official stamps are listed together here for convenience, then the Pre-Decimal issues are listed in the next section, followed by the Decimal issues.