1991 Issues
Australia Day
Designer: Dianne Cook, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
The design for this issue are Australian flags represented are: Australia with the he Australian National Flag (which needs no explanation); the Royal Australian Navy with the White Ensign (same flag as the National except the background is white & the stars are blue); the Royal Australian Air Force with the R.A.A.F. Ensign (same flag as the National except the background is light blue with the R.A.A.F Insignia in the lower right corner) & the Merchant Navy with the Red Ensign (same flag as the National except the background is Red).
Issued 10 January with perforation 14.4 x 14.6
1039-1-1 43c Australian National Flag;
1040-1-1 90c RAN White Ensign;
1041-1-1 $1 R.A.A.F. Ensign;
1042-1-1 $1.20 Red Ensign
Waterbirds of Australia
Designer: Paul Margocsy - Typography: Lynette Brown, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This issue covers a small number of Australian water birds, 43c, Black-necked Stork; 43c, Black Swan; 85c, Cape Barren Goose; $1 Chestnut Teal, the $1 SPECIMEN stamp was issued in 1992, but is listed below. Reprints, 85c, 1k 1992.
(The S1 Specimen below was supplied by Russell Walsh of California)
Issued 14 February with perforation as below

1043-1-1 43c Black-necked Stork, perforation 14.4 x 14.6;
1044-1-1 43c Black Swan, perforation 14.6 x 14.4;
1045-1-1 85c Cape Barren Goose, perforation 14.4 x 14.6;
1046-1-1 $1 Chestnut Teal, perforation 14.6 x 14.4;
1046-1-1 SPEC $1 Chestnut Teal SPECIMEN
In Memory Of Those Who Served
50th Anniversary
Designer: Dianne Cook, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
Design Inspirations:
43c Poster illustrated by Maurice Bramley of the Sydney Sun
43c a 1941 photograph titled 'On patrol in Tobruk'
$1.20 a 1945 painting by Harold Abbott 'V-P Day Camberra'
This issue commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the three areas, the Women's Wartime Services, the Siege of Tobruk & Australian War Memorial, the release covers Wartime Service, both at home & abroad, the $1.20 SPECIMEN stamp was released in 1992, but is listed below for convenience.
(The S1.20 Specimen below was supplied by Russell Walsh of California), the 43c stamp (1047)
below was reproduced on 21 April, 2005 as a sheetlet being a part of the
Australia and War Prestige Booklet issue (page 30).
Issued 14 March with perforation 14.4 x 14.6

1047-1-1 43c Women's Wartime Services;
1048-1-1 43c Siege of Tobruk;
1049-1-1 $1.20 Australian War Memorial;
1049-1-1 SPEC $1.20 War Memorial SPECIMEN
Across Town Postage Paid Stamped Labels
Sydney Metropolitan Delivery
Designer: Lisa Christensen, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Pemara Labels
Photography: Sally Newell
On 2 April, 1991 Australia Post trialled a new service, prepaid across town delivery in Sydney, New South Wales, the cost was $3.25 for up to 25kgs, the labels were the Peel & Stick variety, then on 14 June, 1991 the issue was also trialled in Perth, Western Australia, (see six issues down) this set of labels were for parcels that were only delivered within the Sydney Metropolitan area, the labels were available individually or in packs of 50, no value was shown on the label. (The Perth labels were slightly different, see six issues down). Sally Newell's 'Freeway' photograph has already been used, it appeared in one of the Sterner vending machine stamps of 1 September, 1989.
Issued 2 April with perforation Imperforate

1063-1-1 $3.25 Across Town Sydney Label
Australian Insects
Designer: David Nelson - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
Australia is home to some 50,000 different insect species, below are just four.
Issued 11 April with perforation 14.4 x 14.6

1050-1-1 43c Cotton Harlequin Bug;
1051-1-1 43c Hawk Moth;
1052-1-1 80c Leichhardt's Grasshopper;
1053-1-1 $1 Jewel Beetle
Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Designer: Rainer Bulach, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This issue celebrates the 65th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the design is a photograph of Her Majesty, taken at the Royal Albert Hall.
Issued 11 April with perforation 14.6 x 14.4

1054-1-1 43c Queen Elizabeth
Counter Printed Labels
Koala & Kangaroo
Designer: unknown - Printer: Counter Printed
I have started this number system at 1000 as I have no idea how many different types of counter printed labels were produced, the date on this label is the 1st of May, 1991, a postcode of 2224 is shown which is Sylvania Post Office, I have no other details on this label at this time.
Individual Issue date 1 May 1991 with perforation Imperforate

1000-1-1 CP 43c Counter Printed Label, Koala & Kangaroo
150th Anniversary of Australian Photography
Designer: Janet Boschen, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
The theme for this issue is photography an art form in it's own right, the first recorded photo taken in Australia was in Sydney on 13 May, 1841, the two 43c stamps in this issue were released as a Se-tenant Pair, the designs are photographs taken by Australian photographers, the $1.20 SPECIMEN was released in 1992, but is listed below. (The S1.20 Specimen below was supplied by Russell Walsh of California)
Issued 13 May with perforation 14.6 x 14.4

1055-1-1 43c Max Dupain;
1056-1-1 43c Wolfgang Sievers;
1055-1-1_1056-1-1 SS Se-tenant Pair;
1057-1-1 70c Harold Cazneaux;
1058-1-1 $1.20 Olive Cotton;
1058-1-1 SPEC $1.20 Olive Cotton SPECIMEN
The Golden Years of Radio
Designers: Otto Schmidinger & Christine Stead - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This issue shows images created by the sounds of radio from a number of different shows that aired, radio was first broadcast on 13 November, 1922 in Australia, the SPECIMEN was released in 1992, but is listed below.
(The S1 Specimen below was supplied by Russell Walsh of California)
Issued 13 June with perforation 14.6 x 14.4

1059-1-1 43c Talent Quests & Variety Shows;
1060-1-1 43c Serials;
1061-1-1 85c Quiz Shows;
1062-1-1 $1 Children's Shows;
1062-1-1 SPEC $1 Children's Shows SPECIMEN
Across Town Postage Paid Stamped Labels
Perth Metropolitan Delivery
Designer: Lisa Christensen, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Pemara Labels
Photography: Sally Newell
On 14 June,
1991 this label was trialled in Perth, Western Australia, the parcels
were only delivered within the Perth Metropolitan area, the labels were
available individually or in packs of 50, the cost was $3.25 for
up to 25kgs, the labels were the Peel & Stick variety, no value was shown on the
label. Sally Newell's 'Freeway' photograph has already been used, it appeared in one of the Sterner vending machine stamps of 1 September, 1989. This service had already been trialled in the Sydney C.B.D. on 2 April, 1991 (see six issues up).
O Australia Post trialled a new service,
Issued 14 June with perforation Imperforate

1063-2-1 $3.25 Perth Across Town Label
Designer: Betina Ogden - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
The theme for this issue is pets, as most Australians homes have at least one pet, the four designs are the most popular.
Issued 25 July with perforation 14.6 x 14.4

1065-1-1 43c Puppy;
1066-1-1 43c Kitten;
1067-1-1 70c Pony;
1068-1-1 $1 Cockatoo
Sport Definitive
Series 3
Designer: Noel Stapleton - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This is the third series in Sport, there have been a number of Sport issues, Series 1, February, 1989; Series 2, Part 1, August, 1989; the $4.10 Booklet was overprinted AUSTAMP '90 Exhibition, March 1990; Series 2, Part 2, January, 1990; Series 2, Part 3, May, 1990; Series 2, Part 4, August, 1990; Series 2, Part 5, August, 1990; Series 3, August, 1991 (below).
Issued 22 August with perforation 14 x 14.4

1069-1-1 75c Netball;
1070-1-1 80c Squash;
1071-1-1 85c Diving;
1072-1-1 90c Soccer
Exploration of Albany, Western Australia
Designer: David Lancashire - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This stamp & the Miniature Sheet shows Edward John Eyre & George Vancouver set against sea & landscapes, they were released to commemorate 150th anniversary Eyre's overland journey to Albany & the 200th anniversary of Vancouver's visit to Western Australia.
Issued 25 September with perforation 14.6 x 14.4

1073-1-1 $1.05 Edward John Eyre & George Vancouver

1073-1-1 MS $1.05 Miniature Sheet
Heidelberg and Heritage
Vending Machine Booklets
Overprinted NORPEX '91
Designer: Sandra Baker, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This booklet was first issued in September, 1990, with two different perforations 15.5 x Imperforate & 14.6 x Imperforate, the two booklets were identical, only the perforations were different, booklets with both perforations were overprinted for the NORPEX '91 Exhibition, Newcastle, 5 & 6 October, 1991 (below).
Issued 5 October with perforation as below

1032-1-1_1031-1-1a BK OP or 1032-1-21031-1-2a BK OP
$2 Booklet Cover Overprinted NORPEX "91
Frama Labels
Australian Fauna - Koala
Overprinted NORPEX '91
Vending Machine Issue
Designer: Russell Bevers - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This label, the sixth in the Australian fauna series (the Koala) was overprinted for the NORPEX '91 Exhibition at Newcastle, 5-6 October, 1991.
There have been a number of issues of Frama Labels,
Issue 3, Part 2, July, 1987;
Issue 4, Part 1, September, 1987; overprinted AEROPEX '88, April, 1988;
Issue 4, Part 2, June, 1988; overprinted SYDPEX '88, July, 1988;
Issue 5, September, 1988;
Issue 6, September, 1989; overprinted ESSEN Stamp Fair, Germany, April, 1990;
Issue 7, September, 1990; overprinted NORPEX '91, October, 1991;
Issue 8, January, 1992; overprinted NATIONAL '92 for the Brisbane National Stamp Show, June, 1992;
overprinted PEELPEX '92, Tamworth, September, 1992; overprinted QLD '93 for the Queensland Stamp & Coin Show, June, 1993;
overprinted WAPEX '93 for the National Gold Centenary Stamp Exhibition, September, 1993;
overprinted DINO '93 for the Queensland ASDA Stamp & Coin Show, October, 1993; overprinted FAMILY '94, June, 1994;
Issue 9, September, 1994; overprinted ZOOS '94 October, 1994, overprinted AEROPEX '94 November, 1994;
overprinted CINEMA '95, June, 1995; overprinted DOWNUNDER '95, October, 1995;
Issue 10, June, 1996; overprinted Olympics '96 1996; overprinted Dolls & Bears, June, 1997;

1034-1-9 OP 50c Koala Frama Label Overprinted NORPEX "91
Literary Legends of the 1890's
Designer: Dianne Cook, Australia Post Graphic Design - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This issue is based on contemporary images, illustrating four Australian works of art, penned in the 1890's by four of Australia's literary legends, 43c, "Seven Little Australians" by Ethel Turner; 75c, "On Our Selection" by Steele Rudd; , "Clancy of the Overflow" by 'Banjo' Paterson; $1.20, "The Drover's Wife" by Henry Lawson, the $1.20 SPECIMEN was released in 1993, but is listed below.
(The S1.20 Specimen below was supplied by Russell Walsh of California)
Issued 10 October with perforation as below

1074-1-1 43c Seven Little Australians, perforation 14.4 x 14.6;
1075-1-1 75c On Our Selection, perforation 14.4 x 14.6;
1076-1-1 $1 Clancy of the Overflow, perforation 14.6 x 14.4;
1077-1-1 $1.20 The Drover's Wife, perforation 14.6 x 14.4;
1077-1-1 SPEC $1.20 The Drover's Wife, SPECIMEN
Christmas 1991
Designer: Sue Passmore - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This issue speaks for itself with sections of the Nativity shown in detail, the Shepherd, the Babe & a Wise Man.
Issued 1 November with perforation as below

1078-1-1 38c Shepherd, perforation 14.4 x 14.6;
1078-1-2 38c Shepherd Booklet Stamp, perforation 14.4 x 14.6/Imperforate;
1079-1-1 43c Infant Jesus, perforation 14.4 x 14.6;
1080-1-1 90c Wise Men, perforation 14.4 x 14.6

1078-1-2a BK $7.60 Booklet Cover (20 x 38c Stamps)
Exploration of Albany, WA
Overprinted Miniature Sheet
Designer: David Lancashire - Printer: Leigh-Mardon Pty. Ltd.
This miniature sheet was first issued 25 September, 1991, (five issues up) and was overprinted for the PHILANIPPON '91 Japanese Exhibition.
(I do not have a copy of this booklet)
Issued 16 November with perforation 14.6 x 14.4

1073-1-1 MS OP $1.05 Miniature Sheet Overprinted PHILANIPPON '91
The above image was supplied with thanks by Alan Laughton