Commonwealth Government Pre-Decimal Officials
All stamps are listed in their year of Issue with the ordinary issues, a link is supplied to each listing (click on the year),
the first six were perforated OS, then the remaining six were overprinted OS.
1½d Red, Perforated Official - Opening of Parliament House;
1928 3d Blue, Perforated Official - Kookaburra;
3d Green, Perforated Official - First Airmail; 1½d Red Swan, Perforated Official - Centenary of Western Australia; 1930 1½d Red Captain Sturt, Perforated Official - Exploration of Murray River; 3d Blue Captain Sturt, Perforated Official - Exploration of Murray River;
2d Red Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith - Overprinted Official; 3d Blue Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith - Overprinted Official; 6d Brown Airmail Issue, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith - Overprinted Airmail Official;
1/- Green Kookaburra, Zoological - Overprinted OS; 2d Red Sydney Harbour Bridge, Bridge Opening - Overprinted OS; 3d Blue Sydney Harbour Bridge, Bridge Opening - Overprinted OS;