1975 Issues
The initials NPB below stands for Note Printing Branch
Native Flowers (Coil Issue)
Issue 2, Part 5
Designer: Artist's of the NPB - Printer: NPB
This issue was released in two issues containing seven parts;
two parts in issue one & five parts in issue two, although issue two was only
released in coil format the two releases compliment & complete each other. Issue 1, Part 1, July, 1968; Issue 2, Part 1,
April, 1970; Issue 2, Part 2, September, 1970; Issue 1, Part 2, May, 1971;Issue 2, Part 3, October, 1971; Issue 2, Part 4, November, 1973 & Issue 2,
Part 5, January, 1975 (below). These flowers are also the Floral Emblems of
Australia (State or National) as listed after each description. There was also
an Australian Native Flower release during the years, 1959, 1960 & 1964,
but in pounds, shillings & pence values. Sturt's Desert Pea is the State Emblem for South Australia, this design was also used for the 7c coil issue in Issue 2, Part 3, October, 1971.
Issued 15 January with perforation 14½ x Imperforate

380-1-1 10c Sturt's Desert Pea, South Australian Floral Emblem
Environmental Dangers
Designer: Gordon Andrews - Printer: NPB
This issue was released to highlight the dangers in our every day life that can effect our very lives, if we do not give them the attention needed, the first is Road Safety; the second, Pollution & the third, Bushfire Dangers, Pollution & Bushfire Dangers were both issued with two different perforations.
Issued 29 January with perforation as below

381-1-1 10c Road Safety, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
382-1-1 10c Pollution, perforation 14.2 x 13.8;
382-1-2 10c Pollution, perforation 14.7 x 13.8;
383-1-1 10c Bushfire Dangers, perforation 14.2 x 13.8;
383-1-2 10c Bushfire Dangers, perforation 14.7 x 13.8
International Women's Year
Designer: Leonora Howlett - Printer: NPB
The logo on this stamp was designed by Leonora Howlett as the Australian symbol for International Women's Year.
Issued 12 March with perforation 13.8 x 14.7

384-1-1 10c International Women's Year Logo
Australian Prime Ministers
Issue 3
Designer: Brian Dunlop - Printer: NPB
This issue is the third part of Australian Prime Ministers, the format has changed & the designs are: James Henry Scullin (1876-1953), 9th P.M. 1929-1932; Joseph Aloysius (Joe) Lyons (1879-1939) 10th P. M. 1932-1939; Earle Christmas Grafton Page (1880-1961) 11th P.M. 1939; Arthur William Fadden (1884-1973), 13th P.M. 1941; John Curtin (1885-1945) 14th P.M. 1941-1945 & Joseph Benedict (Ben) Chiefly (1885-1951) 16th P.M. 1945-1948. There were three issues in this theme: Issue 1, 1969; Issue 2, 1972 & Issue 3, 1975 (below).
Issued 26 March with perforation 13.8 x 14.7
385-1-1 10c James Henry Scullin;
386-1-1 10c Joseph Aloysius (Joe) Lyons;
387-1-1 10c Earle Christmas Grafton Page;
388-1-1 10c Arthur William Fadden;
389-1-1 10c John Curtin;
390-1-1 10c Joseph Benedict (Ben) Chiefly
Scientific Development Definitives
Designer: Weatherhead & Stitt - Printer: NPB
This issue highlights the scientific advancements Australia enjoyed at this time, the complete set was withdrawn from sale on 12 November, 1976.
Issued 14 May with perforation 13 x 13¼

391-1-1 11c Atomic Absorbtion Specrophotometry, withdrawn 12 November, 1976;
392-1-1 24c Radio Astronomy, withdrawn 12 November, 1976;
393-1-1 33c Immunology, withdrawn 12 November, 1976;
394-1-1 48c Oceanography, withdrawn 12 November, 1976
Centenary of the Universal Postal Union
Designer: John Copeland - Printer: NPB
This issue was released 7 October, 1974 to commemorate 100 years since the inception of the Universal Postal Union, as well as these two stamps (the 7cw was issued with two different perforations), the National Stamp Promotion Council produced a booklet containing five of each stamp, the booklets were sold at a premium over the face value ($4) by mail order & at a special booth at the Melbourne Stamp Exhibition (7 to 14 October, 1974) to raise funds during National Stamp Week, then on the 31 May, 1975 (below), the Philatelic Association of N.S.W. (PHILAS) released these two stamps overprinted "SPECIMEN", these were then sold with a surcharge to raise funds for a permanent home for philately in New South Wales, as well as the word specimen, on the opposite side (gummed side) the words PHILAS HOUSE APPEAL and + 43c on the 7c stamp & + $1.70 on the 30c stamp, these stamps were then sold for $2.50 a set.
Issued 31 May with perforations of either 14.2 x 13.8 or 14.7 x 13.8 for the 7c & 13½ for the 30c

371-1-1 SPEC 7c UPU SPECIMEN, perforation 14.2 x 13.8;
371-1-2 SPEC 7c UPU SPECIMEN, perforation 14.7 x 13.8;
372-1-1 SPEC 30c UPU SPECIMEN, perforation 13½
Division of the Post Master Generals Department (the P. M. G.) into Two Separate Commissions, Australia Post & Telecom Australia
Designer: Pieter Huveneers - Printer: NPB
The Postmaster-General's Department (PMG) was created at Federation in 1901 to control all postal (and later, telecommunications) services within Australia. In 1975 the P.M.G. was split into two separate entities, the Australian Telecommunications Commission (trading as Telecom Australia, which in 1995 became Telstra) and the Australian Postal Commission (trading as Australia Post). This release was issued in Se-tenant form & with two different perforations.
Issued 1 July with perforation as below

395-1-1 10c Australia Post, perforation 14.2 x 13.8;
396-1-1 10c Telecom Australia, perforation 14.2 x 13.8;
395-1-1_396-1-1 SS Se-tenant Pair, perforation 14.2 x 13.8
395-1-2 10c Australia Post, perforation 14.7 x 13.8;
396-1-2 10c Telecom Australia, perforation 14.7 x 13.8;
395-1-2_396-1-2 SS Se-tenant Pair, perforation 14.7 x 13.8
Famous Australians - Women
Issue 4
Designer: Des & Jackie O'Brien - Printer: NPB
I have listed this one as Part 4 of the Famous Australians Issue, this issue was released with two different perforations, the designs are: Edith Cowan (1861-1932) the first women member of the Australian Parliament; Lousia Lawson (1848-1920) Suffragette, founder of the "Dawn" a feminist Journal & mother of Henry Lawson; Henry Handel Richardson (1870-1946) pen name of Ethel Florence Richardson, novelist; Catherine Spence (1825-1910) Social Worker & electoral reformer; Constance Stone (1856-1902) the first Australian women to qualify as a medical practitioner; Truganini (1812-1876) daughter of the Chief of the Bruny Island tribe of Aborigines, the previous Famous Australian issues have been: Issue 1, November, 1968; Issue 2, November, 1970; Issue 3, May. 1973; Issue 4, August, 1975 (below); Issue 5, November, 1976.
Issued 6 August with perforation as below
397-1-1 10c Edith Cowan, perforation 13.8 x 14.2;
398-1-1 10c Lousia Lawson, perforation 13.8 x 14.2;
399-1-1 10c Henry Handel Richardson, perforation 13.8 x 14.2;
400-1-1 10c Catherine Spence, perforation 13.8 x 14.2;
401-1-1 10c Constance Stone, perforation 13.8 x 14.2;
402-1-1 10c Truganini, perforation 13.8 x 14.2
397-1-2 10c Edith Cowan, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
398-1-2 10c Lousia Lawson, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
399-1-2 10c Henry Handel Richardson, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
400-1-2 10c Catherine Spence, perforation 13.8 x 14.7
401-1-2 10c Constance Stone, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
402-1-2 10c Truganini, perforation 13.8 x 14.7
Australian Wildflowers Definitives
Designer: Frank Knight - Printer: NPB
This issue is of two very rare wildflowers, Helichrysum thomsonii (18c) is only found in Central Australia, while Callistemon teretifolius (45c) is only found in South Australia.
Issued 27 August with perforation as below

403-1-1 18c Helichrysum thomsonii, perforation 14½ x 14;
404-1-1 45c Callistemon teretifolius, perforation 14 x 14½, withdrawn 30 January, 1981
Achievement of Independence by Papua New Guinea,
16 September, 1975
Designer: 18c, Douglas Annand; 25c, George Hamori - Printer: NPB
This issue was released to celebrate the Independence of Papua New Guinea, the designs are, 18c, a New Guinea Tambaran (Spirit House) & 25c, a Stylised Bird taking flight alongside the Southern Cross.
Issued 16 September with perforation as below

405-1-1 18c Spirit House, perforation 13½ x 13¼;
406-1-1 25c Stylised Bird, perforation 13 x 13½
Christmas 1975
Designer: 15c, Des O'Brien, 45c, Jonathon Milne - Printer: NPB
The designs are 15c, a traditional view of the three Wiseman, Mary & the infant Jesus & the 45c, is a visual representation of the Bible text, "and the light shineth in the darkness".
Issued 29 October with perforation as below

407-1-1 15c Wisemen, Mary & Jesus, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
408-1-1 45c Star & Rays of Light, perforation 13¼ x 13½