1974 Issues
The initials NPB below stand for Note Printing Branch
Australian Native Animals Definitives
Issue 2
Designer: Richard Bates - Printer: NPB
This is the second issue of Australian Native Animals, the first release, called "Zoological Issues" were released in four parts, Issue 1, Part 1, 1959; Issue 1, Part 2, 1960; Issue 1, Part 3, 1961; Issue 1, Part 4, 1962, the new issue shows depictions of a Wombat, a Spiny Anteater, a Brushtail Possum & a Feather-tailed Glider.
Issued 13 February with perforation as below

356-1-1 20c Wombat, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
357-1-1 25c Spiny Anteater, perforation 13¾ x 13¼, withdrawn 25 August, 1977;
358-1-1 30c Brushtail Possum, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
359-1-1 75c Feather-tailed Glider, perforation 13¾ x 13¼
Australian Paintings Definitives
Issue 1
Designers: Artist's of the NPB from the original paintings - Printer: NPB
This issue of three stamps is the first Australian Paintings issue, all these works of art hang in galleries in New South Wales & Victoria, the $1, is "Sergeant of the Light Horse" by George Lambert; the $2, is "Red Gums of the Far North" by Hans Heysen and the $4, is 'Shearing the Rams" by Tom Roberts, there are a number of releases of Australian Paintings; Issue 1, April, 1974 (below); Issue 2, October, 1977; Issue 3, March, 1979; Issue 4, June, 1981; Issue 5, April, 1984.
Issued 24 April with perforation 13½ x 13¼

360-1-1 $1 Sargeant of the Light Horse, withdrawn 30 January, 1981;
361-1-1 $2 Red Gums of the Far North;
362-1-1 $4 Shearing the Rams
150th Anniversary of Proclamation of the Charter of Justice New South Wales & Van Dieman's Land
Designer: Tom Thompson - Printer: NPB
This issue was released to commemorate the Charter of Justice enacted in 1824 for New South Wales & Tasmania, which at that time was known as Van Dieman's Land, the design shows a Supreme Court Judge at the Bench.
Issued 15 May with perforation 13¾ x 14¾

363-1-1 7c Judge at the Bench
Non-Olympic Sports played in Australia
Designer: Arthur Leydin based on drawings by Des O'Brien - Printer: NPB
This issue highlights some of the sports played in Australia that were not Olympic Sports, Golf, Cricket, Surfing, Australian Rules Football, Tennis, Football (League & Union) & Lawn Bowls.
Issued 24 July with perforation as below
364-1-1 7c Golf, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
365-1-1 7c Cricket, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
366-1-1 7c Surfing, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
367-1-1 7c A.F.L. Football, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
368-1-1 7c Tennis, perforation 13.8 x 14.7;
369-1-1 7c Rugby Football, perforation 14.7 x 13.8;
370-1-1 7c Lawn Bowls, perforation 14.7 x 13.8
Centenary of the Universal Postal Union
Designer: John Copeland - Printer: NPB
This issue was released to commemorate 100 years since the inception of the Universal Postal Union, as well as these two stamps (the 7c issued with two different perforations 14.2 x 13.8 or 14.7 x 13.8), the National Stamp Promotion Council produced a booklet containing five of each stamp, the booklets were sold at a premium over the face value ($4) by mail order & at a special booth at the Melbourne Stamp Exhibition (7 to 14 October) to raise funds during National Stamp Week, then on the 31 May, 1975, the Philatelic Association of N.S.W. (PHILAS) released these two stamps overprinted "SPECIMEN", these were then sold with a surcharge to raise funds for a permanent home for philately in New South Wales, as well as the word specimen, on the opposite side (gummed side the words PHILAS HOUSE APPEAL and + 43c on the 7c stamp & + $1.70 0n the 30c stamp, these stamp sets were then sold for $2.50 each.
Issued 7 October with perforations of either 14.2 x 13.8 or 14.7 x 13.8 for the 7c & 13½ for the 30c

371-1-1_372-1-1a BK $4 Booklet Cover
371-1-1 BK Booklet Pane 5 x 7c stamps
372-1-1 BK Booklet Pane 5 x 30c stamps
Issued 9 October with perforation as below

371-1-1 7c Stylised Pigeon & Envelope, perforation 14.2 x 13.8;
371-1-2 7c Stylised Pigeon & Envelope, perforation 14.7 x 13.8;
372-1-1 30c - 3 Stylised Pigeons & Envelopes, perforation 13½
150th Anniversary of Independent Newspapers in Australia
Designer: Ian Dalton with modifications by NPB Artist's - Printer: NPB
This stamp was released with two different perforations, the design comes from a National Post Office Design Competition held amongst final year art students, the central motif is the letter A in the same typeface as was used in the original "Australian" Newspaper, in the background is an outline of William Charles Wentworth co-founder of the newspaper.
Issued 9 October with perforation as below

373-1-1 7c Black on Buff, perforation 13.8 x 14.2;
373-1-2 7c Black on Buff, perforation 13.8 x 14.7
Australian Marine Life & Gemstones Definitives
Part 2
Designer: John Mason - Printer: NPB
This issue was released in two parts, Part 1, July, 1973; Part 2, October, 1974 (below), there are also two sections to this release, Marine life & Gemstones, there has also been a previous issue of Marine Life in February, 1966.
Issued 16 October with perforation 13¾ x 14
346-1-1 9c Overprinted on 8c Opal;
347-1-1 10c Star Sapphire, withdrawn 30 January, 1981
Christmas 1974
Designers: Artist's of the NPB - Printer: NPB
This issue was based on woodcut prints by the 18th Century German artist Albrecht Durer, the designs were taken from the original prints held by the Victorian National Gallery.
Issued 13 November with perforation 14 x 14¾

374-1-1 10c The Adoration of the Magi;
375-1-1 35c Flight Into Egypt
Education Definitives
Designers: 5c, Vivienne Binns; 11c, Erica McGilchrist; 15c, Edwin Tanner; 60c, James Meldrum - Printer: NPB
This issue was a short term definitive issue, the designs are: the 5c, is the type of work created by kindergarten children, entitled Pre-School Education; the 11c, is a glider clip with a background of letters & mathematical symbols, entitled Correspondence Schools; the 15c, shows a graph, entitled Science Education; and the 60c, shows a yellow band which progresses through a number of levels, entitled Advanced Education, although due to be withdrawn on 20 May, 1976, the supply was extended to ensure 5c, 11c 15c & 60c stamps were available during 1976, this set was finally withdrawn on 19 November, 1976.
Issued 20 November with perforation 14½ x 14¾
376-1-1 5c Pre-School Education, withdrawn 19 November, 1976;
377-1-1 11c Correspondence Schools, withdrawn 19 November, 1976;
378-1-1 15c Science Education, withdrawn 19 November, 1976;
379-1-1 60c Advanced Education, withdrawn 19 November, 1976