1954 Issues
Royal Visit Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip
Without Watermark
Designers: Frank D. Manley with collaboration by Ralph Malcolm Warner on the 7½d - Engraver: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
There were three stamps in this issue the 3½d & the 2/- are the same stamp with different colours & values, the design shows a shoulders up or "Bust" shot of Her Majesty the Queen & Prince Philip, the 7½d is of Queen Elizabeth II wearing the insignia of the "Order of Australia".
Issued 2 February with perforation 14½ x 14
91-1-1 3½d Red Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip;
92-1-1 7½d Purple Queen Elizabeth;
91-2-1 2/- Green Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip
Except from Commonwealth of Australia - Philatelic Bulletin 004, pages 4 & 5.
During 1951, the Department arranged for the provision of a special "Round Australia" air mail service in connection with the Commonwealth Jubilee Celebrations. It was intended that this service would also commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first regular air mail service in the Commonwealth, which was established between Geraldton and Derby, Western Australia, on the 5th December, 1921.
The date selected for the commencement of the flight carrying this special mail was the 7th December, 1951, which was two days later than the actual commemorative date. Unfortunately, the 5th December was not a suitable day to commemorate the flight as close connections would not have bbeen possible at some intermediate points. In this regard it is of interest that throughout the whole "Round Australia" flight all services used comrised flights regularly utilized for mail purposes.
The determined route, a distance of 7341 miles, was Canberra - Sydney - Brisbane - Darwin - Perth - Adelaide - Melbourne - Hobart - Canberra and the air carriers were Australian National Airways Pty. Ltd., MacRobertson-Miller Aviation Co. Pty. Ltd., and Trans-Australia Airlines.
The facility was limited to articles addressed to any place within Australia and the Territories of Norfolk Island, and Papua New Guinea. However, a few letters addressed to other places (apparently lodged in error) were included in the mail and, after return to Canberra, were sent to their destinations by surface transmission. The fee fixed was 2/- per half ounce, or part thereof, and this charge provided for despatch by air from Canberra to destination after completion of the "Round Australia" flight. It is of interest that an appreciable number of letters bore postage in excess of the correct fee.
Persons who wished to have letters carried by the special mail were required to endorse them with the words "Round Australia Air Mail" and to forward them, fully addressed and stamped, under separate cover in time to reach the Postmaster, Canberra, by 6 p.m. on the 6th December, 1951. Prior to despatch from Canberra all the articles were impressed, in violet colour, with a rectangular cachet, measuring 49mm, by 30mm. in the form shown accompanying illustration. (The illustration shows a map of Australia, with a dotted line showing the route of the planes, with the words, "Round Australia Air Mail Commonwealth Jubilee Year December 1951" I will reproduce this illustration in the future.)
The total mail received comprised 6,610 ordinary and 276 registered articles and these, contained in three bags, left Canberra on the first stage of the long journey on the morning of the 7th December, 1951. Over the entire route established services were used, mail bags being transferred as necessary.
The arrangements provided that at each of the intermediate points named above, and on return to Canberra, the articles would be backstamped with a postmark showing the time and place, and in order to perform this work without causing delay in departure of connecting services, it was found necessarat some points for special staffs to be on duty at airports to backstamp the articles within the limited time available.
The special mail arrived at Canberra on the evening of the 10th December, 1951, thus completing the distance in less than four days. As mentioned eariler, all services used were regular mail flights and to cover the route by surface means, the period of transmission would have exceeded one month under the most favourable of conditions. After final backstamping at the Canberra post office the articles were sent to their destinations.
Centenary of the First Telegraph Line
Without Watermark
Designer: Ralph Malcolm Warner - Engraver: P.E. Morris - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This release shows a telegraph pole as the main feature with a Morse Code Key below it.
Issued 7 April with perforation 14 x 14½
93-1-1 3½d Red Telegraph Pole & Morse Key
40th Anniversary of the Australian Red Cross
Without Watermark
Designer: B. Stewart - Engraver: P.E Morris - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This release shows a red cross highlighted over the Globe, with Australia as the centre piece overshadowed by the cross.
Issued 9 June with perforation 14¾ x 14½
94-1-1 3½d Blue & Red (red cross over Australia)
First Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Part 1, Issue 2
Watermark 47 (C of A)
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This series was issued during 1953, 1954 & 1956, with Part 1, Issue 1, April 1953; Part 1, Issue 2, June 1954 (below); Part 2, Issue 1, during, 1953; Part 2, Issue 2, June 1954 (next listing below); Part 2, Issue 3, during, 1956, all stamps show a sideface view of Her Majesty the Queen.
Issued 23 June with perforation 14¾ x 14
85-2-1 6½d Orange Queen Elizabeth
First Queen Elizabeth II Definitives
Part 2, Issue 2
Without Watermark
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraved: Frank D. Manley - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This series was issued during 1953, 1954 & 1956, with Part 1, Issue 1, April 1953; Part 1, Issue 2, June 1954 (above); Part 2, Issue 1, during, 1953; Part 2, Issue 2, June 1954 (below); Part 2, Issue 3, during, 1956, all stamps show a sideface view of Her Majesty the Queen.
Issued 23 June with perforation 14¾ x 14
85-4-1 2½d Blue Queen Elizabeth
Centenary of the First Western Australian Postage Stamp
Without Watermark
Designer: Richard L. Beck - Engraver: G. Lissenden - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This release shows the Black Swan as it was depicted on the First Western Australian Postage stamp first issued 1 August, 1854.
Issued 2 August with perforation 14¾ x 14½
95-1-1 3½d Black Swan
Centenary of the Railway System in Australia
Without Watermark
Designer: Ralph Malcolm Warner - Engraver: G. Lissenden - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This design shows two locomotives one from the year 1854 & one from 1954.
Issued 13 September with perforation 14½ x 14
96-1-1 3½d Maroon Locomotives
Australian Research Expeditions in Antarctica
Without Watermark
Designer: Frank D. Manley - Engraver: G. Lissenden - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
This design includes the emblem for the Antarctic Division of the Department of External Affairs, showing a map of Antarctica, created by Mrs. Phillip Law, along with Elephant Seals, Black Haired Albatross, Gentoo Penguins, King Penguins, a plant found in Antarctica; Pleurophylum hookeri butch, zooplankton; Euphausia superba, Kerguelen cabbage, two types of Antarctic fish; Cynodraco Mawsoni & Notothrnia.
Issued 17 September with perforation 14½ x 13¾
97-1-1 3½d Black Emblem
Olympic Games Publicity
Issue 1
Without Watermark
Designer: Richard L. Beck - Engraver: P.E. Morris - Printer: W.C.G. McCracken
Design is a reproduction of the Olympic Games Publicity Poster, there were two releases, the 2/- Blue Issue 1, 1954 (below) and the 2/- Green Issue 2, 1955.
During the games there were 54 different postmarks used in 16 different locations, between the 15th and the 26th of October, 1956, I will reproduce the images here when time permits. This stamp was awarded a medal by the Italian National Olympic Committee. (see except below)
Issued 1 December with perforation 14 x 14¼
98-1-1 2s or 2/- Blue Olympic Games Poster
Except from Australian Post Office, Philatelic Bulletin 021, Page 5.
The 2/- stamp of 1954, with a design representing an invitation to the Olympic Games, Melbourne, has been awarded a medal donated by the Italian National Olympic Committee. The stamp gained first place in the Allegory section of the Italian Bonacossa awards for stamps issued in 1954 with designs of sporting significance and artistic merit.