This catalogue has been broken up into sections as shown below:
The Welcome page incorporates (this page, Interim, BCOF (British Combined Occupational Forces in Japan), Changes, Updates, Corrections & News lists all changes at any given time, Cinderellas fake stamps, Envelopes, First Day Covers etc., Frama Labels, the Guest Book & Missing Scans (with links to the section where the stamp is required), the Numbering System, Old Stamp Albums, Postcards, Specimen Overprints (with links to the sections where they are listed), Special Editions (again with links) Unadopted Designs & Unusual Stamps & Receipts.
The second section are the Colonial Issues (Pre-Federation) incorporating New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria and
Western Australia (I am still working on this section, the amount of information is huge and will take time to collate).
The third section are the Officials Section incorporating, the 1913 to 1934 Kangaroo Officials, the 1914 to 1932 King George V Officials, the Decimal Officials (this last section are just links to the pages where the stamps are shown in the catalogue) and the State Government and Private Officials (broken up into three sections), Kangaroo & King George V Issues, then Pre-Decimal Issues and Decimal Issues.
The fourth section are the Kangaroos, with all issues from 1913 to 1945 of the Kangaroo & Map stamps.
The fifth section are the King George V, with all issues from 1913 to 1936 of King George V stamps.
All the other normal issues are the sixth, seventh & eighth sections and are set out in yearly form:
The sixth section is 1914 to 1965 Pre-Decimal Issues.
The seventh section is 1966 to 1999 Decimal Issues.
The eighth section is 2000 to Current Decimal Issues. (I am still working on this section, listing them as quickly as I am able).
And the ninth section are the Themes, with links to the relevant sections within the catalogue that match the listed theme. (I am still working on this section, the amount of information is huge and will take time to collate, but again as quickly as I am able).
While the last section are the Territories, incorporating the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT), Christmas Island, the Cocos Islands (Keeling), Norfolk Island and finally Papua New Guinea, although the last one only shows stamps to 1975 as they declared independence in that year after seventy years of administration.
For those of you who are starting out, the Kangaroo issues are the first Commonwealth issue, followed by the King George V Issues, then 1914 to the current years issues, the rest are specialist issues of different types (although a lot of them are listed with the ordinary issues as they fall into both categories, the very first issues in Australia are the Colonial Issues, of which I will work on last, mainly because I prefer not to touch the older issues in my collection, whether they are my Australian, New Zealand, Canadian or Old UK issues until I absolutely have to, I like to look at them but touching is a no-no and reproduction through the protective sleeve is not proving good.
If you have a good collection of scans, you might be able to help with some missing scans for this website, visit the Missing Scans section (found in the Welcome section), for a list of the required scans, also some scans have come up a little wanting, mainly because a lot were scanned with a hand held scanner some years back (I have been working on this project for a while) and the resolution is not great, as time permits I will rescan these stamps or in turn if you happen to have a better scan, by all means email me at stampenquiries@exemail.com.au with the scan attached.
The Australian Stamp Bulletin
The first issue of the bulletin was in August, 1953, on a Commonwealth of Australia letterhead of the Australia Post Office Communications, it was simply numbered No. 1, and it was type written and called the PHILATELIC BULLETIN with a format of eight (8) pages.
This continued as the format until issue No. 14 in October, 1955, where the letterhead changed to POST OFFICE AUSTRALIA COMMUNICATIONS, although the name remained the same as did the number of pages.
The following issue No. 15 in December, 1955, saw the letterhead change again to THE AUSTRALIAN POST OFFICE, although once again the name and number of pages remained unchanged.
This once again continued as the format until issue issue No. 28 in February, 1958, and the letterhead changed to the Australian Coat of Arms, again the name and number of pages remained unchanged.
With the issue of No. 31 in August, 1958, the numbering system changed to include Volumes and Numbers, becoming: Whole No. 31 Vol. 6, No. 1, again the number of pages remained at eight, and the name was still the PHILATELIC BULLETIN.
The following issue Whole No. 32 Vol. 6, No. 2 October, 1958, saw the pages numbers jump to sixteen (16), a great deal of past, present and future information was now being relayed via this publication
The format of the letterhead changed with the issue of Whole No. 49 Vol. 9 No.1, in August, 1961, although the Coat of Arms remained the name was now set in a solid dark block in white letters.
This letterhead changed once again with the issue of Whole No. 85 Vol. 15 No.1, in August, 1967, the solid black block was the text width of the page and the Coast of Arms had been replaced by a three sided symbol and the words AUSTRALIAN POST OFFICE, followed by PHILATELIC BULLETIN in larger letters.
The entire format changed with the issue of Whole No. 101 Vol. 6 No. 2, in April, 1970, the publication was now in the form of a full colour booklet, small letters at the top were Australian Post Office, below that in very large lettering was PHILATELIC BULLETIN.
With the issue of Whole No. 125 Vol. 23 No. 1, in September, 1975, Australian Post Office changed to Australian Postal Commission, this happened when the Department was split into two separate bodies, Telecom Australia (which would cover communications via phones and airways) and Australia Post (who would cover all postal items).
With the issue of Whole No. 130 Vol. 24 No. 2, in December 1976, the lettering changed from Australian Postal Commission to Australia Post.
This changed again with the issue of No. 138 in January, 1979, gone were the volumes and numbers, and the name was now the Australian Stamp Bulletin.
With the issue of No. 282 in January, 2006 the name changed to Just STAMP BULLETIN. (where it currently remains)