Australian Online Stamp Catalogue
Proudly Sponsored by Michael Dodd of CDD Stamps
Specimen Overprints
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Specimen Stamps have been produced since 1913, the overprint has been produced in a number of
different font's, all simply with the word SPECIMEN, I have separated them using an alpha suffix (e.g.
a,b,c) this series (Specimen) are also listed with the normal issues for each year, I do not own a huge
number of these stamps (apart from those already listed), as further scans are supplied to me, I will
list them.

1913 Kangaroos - Watermark 42
The £1, 1913 stamps was issued in two different Specimen font's
10/- Grey/Pink SPECIMEN one pound Brown/Blue one pound Brown/Blue two pound Black/Red
1-13-1 SPEC 10/- Grey/Pink SPECIMEN;
1-14-1 SPEC £1 Brown/Blue SPECIMEN;
1-14-1a SPEC £1 Brown/Blue SPECIMEN;
1-15-1 SPEC £2 Black/Red SPECIMEN

1916 Kangaroos - Watermark 44
add when
1-14-2 SPEC £1 Brown/Blue SPECIMEN

1917 Kangaroos
- Watermark 44
The 10/-, 1917 stamp was issued with two different Specimen font's
10/- Grey/Pink SPECIMEN add when
1-13-2a SPEC 10/- Grey/Pink SPECIMEN;
1-13-2b SPEC 10/- Grey/Pink SPECIMEN

1919 Kangaroos
- Watermark 44
The £2, 1919 Stamp was issued with two different Specimen font's
add when add when
1-15-2a SPEC £2 Black/Red SPECIMEN;
1-15-2b SPEC £2 Black/Red SPECIMEN

1924 Kangaroos - Watermark 44
The £1, 1924 stamp was issued with three different Specimen font's
one pound Grey
add when add when
1-18-1a SPEC £1 Grey SPECIMEN;
1-18-1b SPEC £1 Grey SPECIMEN;
1-18-1c SPEC £1 Grey SPECIMEN

1938 King George VI Robe Designs - Watermark 47
The 10/- Purple Robe Design SPECIMEN was released in two different shades of colour
10/- Robes Design 10/- Robes Design Add Stamp When
32-1-1a SPEC 10/- Purple Robe Design SPECIMEN;
32-1-1b SPEC 10/- Purple Robe Design SPECIMEN;
33-1-1 SPEC £1 Slate Robe Design SPECIMEN

1949 King George VI Arms of the Commonwealth - Watermark 47
10/- Purple Coat of Arms SPECIMEN £1 Blue Coat of Arms SPECIMEN
63-1-1 SPEC 10/- Red Commonwealth Coat of Arms
64-1-1 SPEC £1 Blue Commonwealth Coat of Arms

1950 King George VI Arms of the Commonwealth - Watermark 47
£2 Green Coat of Arms SPECIMEN
65-1-1 SPEC £2 Green Commonwealth Coat of Arms

1964 Early Navigators - Pre-Decimal - Watermark 47
7/6 Green Lieutenant James Cook White SPECIMEN 10/- Maroon Matthew Flinders Cream SPECIMEN £1 Purple George Bass Cream SPECIMEN £1 Purple George Bass White SPECIMEN £2 Brown Phillip Parker White SPECIMEN
165-1-1 SPEC 7/6 Green Lieutenant James Cook, White Paper SPECIMEN;
166-1-1 SPEC 10/- Maroon Matthew Flinders, Cream Paper SPECIMEN;
167-1-1 SPEC £1 Purple George Bass, Cream Paper SPECIMEN;
167-1-2 SPEC £1 Purple George Bass, White Paper SPECIMEN;
168-1-1 SPEC £2 Brown Phillip Parker King, White Paper SPECIMEN

1965 Early Navigators - Pre-Decimal - Watermark 47
Add Stamp When
166-1-2 SPEC 10/- Maroon Matthew Flinders, White Paper SPECIMEN

1966 Early Navigators - Decimal - without Watermark
75c Green Lieutenant James Cook SPECIMEN $4 Brown Phillip Paker King SPECIMEN
202-1-1 SPEC 75c Green Lieutenant James Cook, SPECIMEN;
203-1-1 SPEC
$1 Maroon Matthew Flinders, SPECIMEN;
204-1-1 SPEC $2 Purple George Bass, SPECIMEN;
205-1-1 SPEC $4 Brown Phillip Parker King, SPECIMEN

Centenary of the Universal Postal Union

The first stamp in this issue was released with two different perforations
7c UPU Specimen 30c UPU Specimen
371-1-1 SPEC or 371-1-2 SPEC 7c UPU SPECIMEN

1977 Australian Painting Definitive - Issue 2

449-1-1 SPEC
$10 Coming South SPECIMEN

1979 Australian Paintings Definitive - Issue 3
$5 McMahon's Point Specimen
481-1-1 SPEC $5 McMahon's Point SPECIMEN

1981 Australian Paintings Definitive - Issue 4
559-1-1 SPEC $2 On The Wallaby Track SPECIMEN

1984 Australian Paintings Definitive - Issue 5
$5 A Holiday at Mentone Specimen

675-1-1 SPEC $5 A Holiday at Mentone SPECIMEN

1986 Marine Life Definitives - Issue 3

781-1-1 SPEC
$1 Crown of Thorns Starfish SPECIMEN

1987 Australian Bicentennial - Issue 4, Part 2
The First Fleet at Teneriffe
838-1-1 SPEC $1 Arrival at Teneriffe SPECIMEN

1987 Australian Bicentennial - Issue 5, Part 2
865-1-1 SPEC $1 Fishermen Plying Their Trade as the Fleet Arrives SPECIMEN

1988 Living Together Definitives - Series 1, Part 1
898-1-1 SPEC $1 Rescue & Emergency Services SPECIMEN

1990 Sport Definitives - Series 2, Part 2
This stamp was issued with two different perforations
add stamp when
994-1-1 SPEC or 994-1-2 SPEC $1 Fun Run SPECIMEN

1990 The Anzac Tradition
add stamp when
1008-1-1 SPEC $1 Casualties SPECIMEN
1009-1-1 SPEC $1.10 News SPECIMEN

1990 Scientific Co-operation in Antarctica
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1023-1-1 SPEC $1.10 Marine Biology SPECIMEN

1990 Sport Definitives - Series 2, Part 4
1031-1-1 SPEC $1.20 Hang Gliding SPECIMEN

1991 Waterbirds of Australia
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1046-1-1 SPEC $1 Chestnut Teal SPECIMEN